Monday, 26 February 2018



   Emmanuel Kwaku Ahiaku writes.
As it was published earlier that journalist deserve better salary, some media personnel are upset with the salary they receive as their monthly salary, and has come out with a decision of forming groups / union to fight against their employers. In fact Some time we as media personnel, we need to work  extra, because  there  are several  ways of making  it money, My points is that lets use the opportunity  surrounding us to make money.
    I know a lot  of media guys  who only  depend on their salary as the the only  source, which  is bad and leading to poor standards of living. Successful  guys there,  involved themselves in different  angles  as marketing.
Is high time we stop limiting  our practice  in the media .I encourage  all personnel to marketing  which  is the most money  making  and being  a creative  with our own programs and being sponsored all that commission is more  than the one working  in any luxury work. As a presenter you have  upper hand than someone  who is only  marketer because  you have  the fame and is easy to convince  client, I would like to use this opportunity to encourage all on air going presenters to brand yourself to get what you want because  some station  owners are not ready to pay more in which  as a presenter  you can use your talent  rightfully.
  Am not saying  that, media owners  should  not pay well but as it stands  now, we can also  do our best because, most have family and being in the media  most people see you as rich.
    So in all, journalist should  not solely depend on their  salary  and encourage ourselves to  engage in marketing  and other opportunities  to improve  upon the living  standards, while  station  owners should  insure the workers in case  of any incidents on duty  ,also sees  to their  welfare  to produce quality and facts to the public. My advice  is, let us use the existing  opportunity available and encouraging marketing as one main major  to make money. I also  blame the authorities in charge of the  media like GJA,  GIBA for not setting  standards  regulating the welfare of hide members and is time for them  to intervene  to improve upon it.

Thanks for reading.

Story by: Emmanuel Kwaku Ahiaku.
Credit: Mr. Gideon a. k. a, Ascojee of Express media college.

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