Friday, 2 February 2018


Osei Kwame Despite
 Must Be Celebrated

"Kwame Despite's

There are manifold of rich men in Ghana but it is only their family and love ones who benefit from their Riches- sheer display of hard heartedness and inconsiderateness.

Hardly do you hear such Richmen donating to the poor in society let alone contributing their social intervention quota.

Osei kwame Despite, the CEO of despite group of companies, has demonstrated  beyond anticipation that he is a benevolent, a magnanimous, a lavish giver, a sympathetic and God fearing man.

There is no past a day that the news of Osei kwame Despite donating to the widows, individuals, corporate institutions, everybody, all by his own toiled acquired riches without the support of NGO's or government is overspread. This kind gestures of despite is redolent of the world over.

I have come to believe the Gospel that "there is blessings in giving than receiving", the more despite donates, the stronger and richer he becomes.
 Mr or Mrs hard hearted Richman won't you follow the footsteps of Despite and be liked by God?

The Gospel parabolically says "faith without works is faithless" that "faith" has broad interpretation one of which is "riches without offertory or donation is worthless."

Since there is the saying that, we follow the steps or strides of the frontiers whose  actions and in actions are worthy of emulation, I suggest that  a day must be earmarked to celebrate Dr kwame Despite in a like manner as SAINT VALENTINE, who is celebrated worldwide, dubbed, "valentines day".

Kwame Despite is following same steps as Saint Valentine and that he must be celebrated likewise.

This must done to accentuate to the world that WHAT THE WHITE MAN DID A BLACK MAN, GHANAIAN, HAS ALSO DONE IT.

 Let's not wait till Despite is no more for his good name expires just like that

His celebration  would be dubbed

"KwameDespite Day".

This idea and write up is the property of BoatengDuncan aka Bombay you can  second or support its realization by giving  credit to me Boateng Duncan aka Bombay but to rephrame/paraphrasing/changing the context however constitutes copyright infringement which is actionable by court.

 Source : Boateng Duncan
         aka Bombay

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